Using AutoTune

This week, I did a mix where I used Antares AutoTune 8.1 to tune some vocals. Take a listen to the mix right here! AutoTune is surprisingly easy to use, you can use automatic mode or graph mode. Automatic does what it sounds like it does, automatically corrects pitch, while graph mode lets you do… Continue reading Using AutoTune

Capital University Students Break In New RedNet System

Students at Capital University recently utilized their brand new Focusrite RedNet system for a recording of an orchestral performance. Music Technology majors Sean Rule-Hoffman, Matt McCroskey, Matt Peery, Ryan Brun, and Mitchell Soja used the system to remotely record the orchestra in Capital’s Studio A over an ethernet cable via the Dante Network. Pictured from left to right: Mitchell… Continue reading Capital University Students Break In New RedNet System

Snare EQ Shootout

Before the shootout, I did some research on EQing the snare drum. I found good articles from TalkinMusic and AudioIssues. For tracking the shootout, I had my friend Matt play two different 8 bar phrases on the kit, one that was loud with a lot of snare and the other more basic and quieter. Here’s… Continue reading Snare EQ Shootout

Tracking Session Mix

When beginning the mix for this song, I tried to keep in mind the fact that it is a more mellow song with a slower tempo, and tried to make the tone of the song fit that idea. Starting with the drums, all of the drums got EQ’d pretty heavily. I scooped a good amount… Continue reading Tracking Session Mix